Algorithms: artists can use their process to make their art, they may follow specific patterns. I use an algorithm when I draw. I always start with several sketch layers and then an ink layer, and finally several base paint layers and shading. Lastly, I add final details. Both the computer program and the final product is considered art with all of the artists that were listed. It takes both of them to create those pieces. The art is in process and the product, they are just different forms of art. Andy Warhol - he starts with a popular item and creates silk screen prints. Some of the Wikihow instructions are incredibly vague, like the building an airplane instructions. It seems like they are being specific but they are not doing a good job explaining. While the ones like brushing your teeth instructions are very detailed and give a lot of different steps and included animated gifs to better convey what they are explaining.
The difference between data and information is that information is describing what something is and data is a way of collecting and analyzing information. The difference between visualization and mapping is that visualization is a form of mapping for data. Mapping is forming an image. Manovich is referring to romantic art because it does the opposite of data visualization. I agree with Manovich because he believed that data is not as limited as the romantic artists believed. Data visualization gives form to the unrepresentable. Feltron Summary - Nicholas Felton is an infographic designer that is known for his Annual Reports that he created between 2005-2014 where he was tracking his daily life. Self Surveillance, Constructing Identity
According to the Manovich reading, two examples of interface or interations with a piece of technology are computers and cameras. These are good examples because they are constantly being updated and made to be easier to use and more accessible to everyone. Gesamtkunstwerk is an interactive narrative that is engaging with three senses which are sight, hearing, and touch. It refers to aestheticization because it is being used to make products more attractive and more interesting to use. The role of the sound designer is to decide what sounds things should make. This idea relates to theatre and performance because it works in your mind and resonates with you. It makes people want to use the object more. The differences between skeuomorphism and flat design is skeuomorphism is based on familiarity and making the object more inviting for people who are new to that kind of technology while flat design is simpler and based around blocks.